If you look at the literature on well-performing organizations, it really is those organizations that are continually looking for ways to improve their services, even in the face of good results, that maintain their leadership position. So I would argue that in this case we want to be absolutely certain that we don't slip back. We're not perfect, so there's still lots to do in terms of making future improvements. The bill of rights and the ombudsman offer good additional mechanisms that help carry us forward to make further improvements.
We've been trying very hard within our own abilities to move those markers. We've done a lot. We've reached that 84%; we've reached the 96%. I think we've all agreed that within the context of service to veterans, we want to strive to get as close as we can to perfection.
So from my perspective, in terms of the ADM responsible for the service delivery, we see the bill of rights and the ombudsman as a very good complement to our efforts to date.