I agree with you, Betty, but post-traumatic stress should be treated immediately, like a disease. Every day, young people come back from Afghanistan very disturbed. How do we care for them? How can we prevent this stress in those who will be going to Afghanistan? The changing of the guard will take place in August.
The timing is very critical. I'm tired of seeing young fellow citizens 30, 32 or 34 years of age going as far as suicide after coming back from overseas. There are a lot of them. We're only seeing the tip of the iceberg; most of the problems lie beneath the surface.
We urgently need to ask ourselves the following question: do we let them die or do we try to prevent post-traumatic stress syndrome by preparing them better, so as to reduce the number of young people who suffer from it? That's our dilemma. What do we do with these youths who leave poorly prepared and who come back disturbed?