Okay, good.
I don't know exactly what is going to be involved in the bill of rights, or how long it's going to take us. Mr. Perron has made a very good point about two meetings, taking one week to deal with PTSD, to look at it.
I can tell you when we get into health care after the bill of rights, health care is going to be a big issue for us. We're going to have a lot of work to do there. If it's something as important as he said, maybe we'll get that sense from the individual who comes to see us, the individual he mentioned, or maybe the clerk has some better ideas. We know we're sending people home every day who are coming back from very tough situations in Afghanistan. Maybe it's something we should consider: doing those two days, getting that part done, keeping it out of the big picture of health care as it's going to come along.
The ombudsman is not going to be tied up. We're going to get that done. With the bill of rights, whether it's one month or three months, I don't know how much work that is going to be, and it could put off these two days that he's asking for. I think maybe we should really consider doing these two days with some witnesses, whether they're those people or others, and try to find out if it's something that we need to dig into. Because when we get into the health care, the health care is going to be a much bigger picture we're looking at, and if it's something we should make a recommendation on, maybe it's something we should do more quickly.