Mr. Chair, I believe I'm going to offer you the opportunity to take part in Canadian history, as a group.
You know I am very much concerned about the fate of the victims of post-traumatic stress. I believe, and I have evidence to support this, that we could save the government a lot of money. We know the act and regulations can't be amended, but the required qualifications when young soldiers are recruited can be.
National Defence is currently enrolling youths who will become soldiers as though it were buying pounds of ground beef at the grocery store. They quickly determine whether they're suitable, and, if they are, they hire them. I've discovered that they rely on no psychological profile when they recruit these youths. They aren't all suited to going to war, using firearms and so on.
Perhaps we could give National Defence a hand. It would take two meetings to confirm what I'm telling you. I'd like to tell you about what I've discovered through reading and enquiring into post-traumatic stress. I could talk to you about it for hours and hours, but that wouldn't be convincing enough.
I'll give you an example. Pascale Brillon is a doctor of psychology and a professor at the University of Montreal. She has written a number of books on post-traumatic stress. I think we could invite her to spend an afternoon with us, simply to teach us about the nature of post-traumatic stress.
In addition, Robert Belzile is a doctor in the region. He treated me for prostate cancer, and I developed a friendship with him. He's also a specialist in post-traumatic stress. Before resigning as physician-in-chief at the RCMP, he treated victims of post-traumatic stress. These are people for whom we pay for insurance. We should also devote one meeting to Dr. Belzile so he can thoroughly explain to us what post-traumatic stress is. After hearing from those two experts, we could decide what influence we could have and whether it's worth doing an in-depth study of this matter.
I haven't contacted Ms. Brillon. Consequently, I don't know whether she could meet with us. I've read her books. I think it may be beneficial to have psychologists on the battlefield. In her books she recommends that a person who has suffered post-traumatic stress should be debriefed within 24 hours, not six months to a year, after the mission. In short, we need personnel on the front.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.