--the selection process, which was put in place in the fall of 2004, held its first series of candidate screenings in early 2005. At this point, we're up to the sixth cycle of screening candidates. We have screened, I would say, an average of 150 candidates per cycle. So far, we would have seen some 500 candidates applying for an appointment to the board.
The criteria are published, and as you know they are on our website. They seek to review basic criteria: education, experience, knowledge, university education or experience that is equivalent to university education. Some preference is given to people who have a legal or medical background. In essence, those are the criteria.
In our experience, the screening usually excludes one-third of the applicants. Then there is a written examination and another one-third are lost. And finally, the last third make it to the interview. About 10% fail at the interview stage.
All the candidates on the list of qualified candidates go through this screening process: the pre-selection, written examination, and interview. The criteria are tested at each stage of the process.
Since the selection process has been adopted, some 17 persons have been appointed to the board. The qualifications of these 17 persons were right on the criteria, as far as I remember. I was involved personally in both the pre-selection, the written examination verification, as well as the interview process. Their names were all on the list of qualified candidates.
Having sat on the interview committee, I have seen most of the candidates, and I must say I was, and still am, very impressed by the quality of persons who applied for those jobs.
The selection process will profoundly affect the culture of the board now that people have to compete. It has changed the attitude of the board members. They are motivated. They insist on being up to par. That process has increased the value of the candidates to an extremely high degree. It has influenced, and will continue to influence, the long-term quality of the work of the board.
That's my impression of what the selection process and appointment of qualified candidates has brought to us so far.
On the Agent Orange issue, according to the latest statistics--you'll have to be kind here, because these are just off the top of my head--something in the area of 1,400 disability pension claims were made by military at the department. The last time I saw some statistics on that, some 500 of these applications had been adjudicated upon by the first-level adjudicators, and overall some 25 claims had been recognized and accepted. Most of these claims were for service persons in Vietnam. Half a dozen were for claims based in, I think, Gagetown.
The adjudication thereof was based on the Institute of Medicine's categorization of conditions associated with, or recognized as being possibly linked to, or probably linked to--I forget the actual categories--exposure to Agent Orange. Often the dilemma in those cases is that the actual exposure to the agent is the critical component.
With regard to the status of studies and reports on the subject, I think the latest came from Dr. Furlong in November. He drew some statistical conclusions after the fact on possible heath effects from exposure to Agent Orange.
So as far as I can recollect, those in a nutshell are the latest events from a research point of view and the statistics that I can recall on the subject.