The chair and deputy chair monitor the performance of our board members. We do not monitor the merit of their decisions. We make sure they show up for work on time. We make sure they put out their decisions in a timely fashion. We will maintain overall certain sets of statistics, and we use that, along with quality assurance systems we have in place at the board, through analysts and assistants who prepare the decisions, review the decisions. We try to build a system of feedback to the board member so he knows how he's doing from a performance point of view.
From a merit point of view, usually what happens is if a decision is issued and the veteran is incredibly dissatisfied with the result, I'll hear about it--and I want to hear about it--or if something went wrong in the hearing: the board member wanted to be friendly and made a joke the veteran didn't think was a joke, things like that. Little events sometimes pop up and make you ask what happened, but rarely does it go beyond that.
Honestly, with the complement of board members that I have and the complement and the quality of the staff I have at the board, I can honestly say that things are running smoothly. I like the way we're going. I like the way we're doing business. Unfortunately, some things always crop up that you can't expect, but overall the system is working well.
If we get a dozen complaints a year about the performance of the board members, it would be a big year.