Thank you, Suzanne.
A few days ago, Mr. Chairman, I and some of you had the privilege of attending an unveiling ceremony of an ice replica of the Vimy monument. We know well the story of the battle and its defining role in the history of our country. The ceremony was an occasion to recall the massive contribution that Canada made to the war to end all wars. Out of the more than 600,000 who enlisted, more than 60,000 made the ultimate sacrifice, and our history tells us that our nation was not prepared to assist veterans returning from the trenches of France and Belgium.
The experience was markedly different following the Second World War, when the Veterans Charter provided an array of programs to help the rehabilitation and reintegration of those who had answered their nation's call. Through the years, those programs have evolved to meet the changing needs of our veterans.
In April 2006, the coming into effect of a new Veterans Charter, the most sweeping transformation of veterans programs since the end of the Second World War, marked a significant advance in Canada's care for our veterans. It had the unanimous support of all political parties, in keeping with the constructive way in which this committee has traditionally approached issues affecting veterans.
I realize this committee has recently devoted considerable time to the study of the veterans ombudsman. I'm delighted to tell you today that I'm awaiting the recommendations of the committee on this very important issue. However, today I believe we're going to focus primarily on the bill of rights.
As members of Parliament, we receive calls from those who feel they have not been treated fairly or in a respectful manner by the federal government. Those calls could have come from our veterans who felt they did not receive benefits to which they may have been entitled. That's why we promised, during the last federal election, to establish a veterans bill of rights that will ensure that our veterans are always treated with the respect and dignity they've earned.
The committee has been briefed by departmental officials on the work that they have done and that we have done over the past year. I wanted to ensure that we took the time to get it right. Let me talk specifically about our consultations with the veterans organizations.
As you all know, the department works closely with veterans organizations, and this was no exception. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
In November and December, the department met with the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association; the Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada Association; the Royal Canadian Legion; the National Council of Veterans Associations; the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping; and the Gulf War Veterans Association of Canada. I understand that the committee has received a summary of the feedback provided by these organizations. Their specific comments and advice are being carefully reviewed as we move forward on this initiative.
Our stakeholder groups have indicated their strong support for the veterans bill of rights. In my view, the bill of rights will not be a long, drawn-out paper. The veterans bill of rights will provide veterans and their families with a clear statement of their basic rights and what they can reasonably expect in their dealings with the department—plain language, in other words.
Specifically, a veterans bill of rights will increase the department's ability to respond quickly and fairly to veterans' concerns. In my view, it will complement the department's work by ensuring that all clients, regardless of their point of contact, receive the appropriate service in a consistent manner. It will build on the service standards that currently are in place. In plain language, in a visible and transparent manner, a veterans bill of rights will reaffirm our unceasing commitment to treat our veterans with respect, dignity, fairness, and courtesy.
I also believe the veterans bill of rights is very timely because it will support the implementation of the new Veterans Charter. As we well know, the new charter is a comprehensive package of programs that is designed to provide younger veterans and their families with the means to make a successful transition to civilian life.
Today, as we better understand the more complex needs of our clients, their confidence in our programs is especially critical. I believe the veterans bill of rights will serve to reassure those clients that the department is there for them and their families. The bill of rights will provide veterans with an additional mechanism to ensure that their needs are being met and that they will have an opportunity to take a complaint to an ombudsman if their rights are not upheld.
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, our veterans have served Canada with selfless dedication and commitment. The Prime Minister spoke to those values on National Flag of Canada Day, when he announced that Canada's new government would be providing $5 million over the next decade to support the operation of the Juno Beach Centre in France. In remembering the service and sacrifice of those who fought on Juno Beach, we also recognize that those values continue to inspire the members of the Canadian Forces.
A few weeks ago, I was at CFB Gagetown to take part in a send-off to soldiers now serving in Afghanistan. Standing on the stage, I couldn't feel anything but pride. I knew I was looking out upon the most professional men and women in uniform you could ever hope to meet. As I often say, we have the best soldiers in the world, and every one in this room will testify to that, Mr. Chairman.
I was also proud of the Gagetown community that came together to offer support and solace to those troops who were about to be deployed to Afghanistan and to the families they were leaving behind. At that moment, I was reminded that our soldiers and their families need more than just words about a country standing with them. They need to know that Canada will always be there for them. As I often say in speeches, Mr. Chairman, they have to know we are as committed to them as they are to the mission.
Canadian soldiers are always committed 100% to the mission, and this speaks directly to the importance of what we do and how we do it. For this reason and others, I am firmly convinced that a veterans bill of rights will be a significant step forward in improving our service to veterans.
Again, I thank the veterans organizations for their strong support—some of them are with us this morning, Mr. Chairman—and I hope the members of this committee will also endorse this initiative.
Mr. Chairman, I thank you again for this opportunity to meet with your committee, and I welcome your comments and questions.
Thank you.