There may be time for a full round, but I can start with a minute if you want. Please keep me on the list.
I'll take this minute to make a comment and then come to questions later.
I have to admit to feeling a little empathy for the minister. I think we all know he's an honourable man who finds himself in an awkward situation with said letter. I don't think any of us would want to be in the position of defending the indefensible.
You might want to check the Conservative Party's website, since the letter's contents are there, and we can give you copies of that reference if you need it.
If I was in your shoes, I know I might be trying to find a way to disassociate myself officially from the letter, and trying to find out if Salpie Stepanian is still around. Maybe he or she would be willing to say, look, I had no proper instructions to deal with that.
Get it off your website, so that you won't be facing these awkward and difficult questions in the future.
I'll just make that comment, since I think it's only fair to the minister that he be made aware that it's on his party's website.
When I come back, I'll be asking about something else.