Let me start by answering your first question about civilians and what happens to them as a result of living through horrific events on a daily basis. If our soldiers are experiencing post-traumatic stress syndrome, one can imagine that civilians are also experiencing it. You're completely right: we have a lot of scientific data indicating civilians do indeed suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome for years and years.
You can imagine all the women who have been raped. Rape is used as a weapon in times of war in many countries and the victims suffer for many years from post-traumatic stress disorder. As far as treatment is concerned—and that, after all, was your question— for several years there was an organization called Psychologists Without Borders which set about training people locally to provide services to the population. You can understand how tough it was for this organization to survive. Nowadays, the psychologists are part of well-entrenched organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. These psychologists don't attempt to treat locals through an interpreter, rather they spend more time training local psychologists, social workers and doctors who are familiar with the local culture and values and who will be able to help locals for many years in the future, even if our organizations have left.
So the answer is yes, from an international standpoint there is an increasing amount of interest around post-traumatic stress syndrome even within organizations such as Doctors Without Borders.
Let me now turn to your final question—I'll come back to your second question in a moment—which was whether post-traumatic stress disorder can transfer from one individual to another.
Well, indeed it can. In fact, we were aware of this in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s when studies were carried out on the cross-generation transmission of post-traumatic stress syndrome afflicting concentration camp victims. Among Jews, who lived in concentration camps for years, the presence of post-traumatic stress syndrome was even observed among second and third generations. There was a lot of fear and terror associated with the Germans and weapons, and the incidence of symptoms of depression was far more pronounced among Jewish people than among other populations, even though they weren't themselves subjected to the trauma. They had heard about it or, since many victims didn't talk about it, suspected it.
There has been a lot of talk, particularly in the United States, about compassion fatigue which is a syndrome many health care professionals suffer from. Such people are in constant contact with victims, so much so that they are no longer able to listen to stories of horror and they develop flashbacks about things that did not even happen to them. For example, constant references were made to the situation in Rwanda in my department, references for example to women who were shredded, and I myself started seeing them when I watched the news because I had heard these stories told over and over.
You can imagine that some spouses might also develop some post-traumatic symptoms. So I'd urge you once again to invite Dr. Guay, who is a researcher with the Canadian army, and who will be able to give you statistics. From a clinical point of view, I can tell you that we have observed that the spouses of some servicemen and women have a fear of Arabs, that is of people of Arab origin, for example. Event though they have never gone to Afghanistan nor seen the horrors that go on, they can no longer stand Arabs. Unfortunately, such spouses blame the population in general because, in their eyes, these people are the reason why their husbands were sent to Afghanistan, why they almost died and why their children almost didn't see their fathers again.
We also observe avoidance of some stimuli. We've observed various fears and symptoms of depression among troops' family members.
Now let me come back to your second question, which is perhaps the toughest. How can you distinguish between someone who is genuinely suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome and someone who is merely pretending? We do have data and experience to fall back on based on the fact that we regularly see people with post-traumatic stress disorder. You have to realize that only a very small number of people are going to imagine they have, or pretend to have, post-traumatic stress syndrome. The reason is that post-traumatic stress disorder is stigmatized. Even though there is financial compensation for life, it certainly is no gold mine, that's for sure. It's a disorder which is also very poorly looked upon by other troops in the forces.
Also, you'll understand that the diagnosing military psychiatrist has seen a lot of troops. So he's able to ask the right questions so as to distinguish between a genuine case of PTSD and one that's fake. The psychiatrist will consider what type of nightmares the individual is having, how chronic the post-traumatic stress disorder is and a comparison will be made between what the client is saying and what he said two, or five months earlier. You start to become quite an expert at making the distinction.