I would add to that and just stress that we continuously, through this program, are heightening the awareness and educating people on what it's like to live with an operational stress injury, what it's like to the individuals themselves, and also the impact it has on their families.
We're not struggling with it. Being with the program from the very beginning, I have seen these gaps narrow considerably. There were many gaps when Lieutenant-Colonel Grenier and I started in 2001-02, but there have been significant changes for the better.
All of the workers in this program who provide the support have an injury themselves, all of the peer support workers; we call them coordinators. All have a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, or depression. They've all been through treatment. They've all recovered to the point where they can continue to work on a daily basis. That's a very challenging thing to do, to work with others who you see in the same place that you were in many years ago. What they do is act as beacons of hope, because they become a prime example of early intervention, getting into treatment, sticking with treatment, that you can recover and get back to where you were prior to receiving your injury.
So we are very cognizant of that, and we work very hard to ensure the health and well-being of the folks who work in this program, that they remain healthy to do the work, because it's very, very challenging.