On pre-deployment training, over the years, I would say there's again been a different “flavour of the month”.
I guess stress management training is what you would be referring to in terms of how to handle the stressors. It existed in the 1990s. There was then the critical incident stress model that the Canadian Forces used, implemented, and taught, and it also waned in terms of the approach. I guess it didn't seem to be as effective as some people had hoped.
There's battle-mind training, which is something new that the mental health people are using in third location decompression. It is stress management, helping people to switch in terms of their attitudes versus the front line and back home. But it's also an entire program of preparation for day-to-day living, and it's not only decompression focused. This might be a direction in which the CF will go.
But I again want to highlight that there's always been something. It may not be as efficient as we would look to it to be in terms of pre-deployment training, but we continue to try to find the best way of doing it.