In fact, that is part of the therapy. Generally speaking, we are talking about cognitive behaviour therapy that includes three or four components. The first is psychoeducation with the person, treating the symptoms and what he or she is experiencing. Very often, particularly among military personnel, people are not aware of the fact that others may have the same type of symptoms. Where soldiers are concerned, if the symptoms only appear in one of the ten people who were exposed to the same event, that individual will obviously not easily be able to recognize them. As a result, the psychoeducation phase is extremely important, simply as a way of beginning the therapeutic process.
Following that, they are taught ways of reducing the physiological manifestations of anxiety—muscular tension, quick breathing, and so on. We use a method of relaxation or teach them a new way of breathing from the diaphragm.
After that, we usually move on to the main ingredient, which is exposure, in their mind's eye, to the scenario of the event, and then exposure to situations which are to be avoided. The first part is the most important one, obviously, where soldiers are concerned. We help them to gradually relive the scene associated with the event, recount what occurred and, in so doing, recall images and their thoughts. However, all of this takes place in a therapeutic context which allows the individual to come to terms with the images and memories in such a way that they no longer evoke strong negative emotions or cause as much distress. The idea is to gradually bring the person to recount the event to us, find some meaning in that event, and see it as forming part of the past.
The main problem for people with PTSD is that they are haunted by their memories on a daily basis. We try to help them to no longer be haunted. Of course, you cannot wipe out someone's memory of the event, but if you can bring them to talk about it and think about it without feeling distress, that is a major step forward.
After that, we can move on to exposure to situations or stimuli associated with the event. When psychological trauma occurs, associations are made between certain things and the trauma. It can be images, smells, or sounds. The idea is to generalize the learning that occurred during exposure to the scenario of the event and other stimuli that prompt the individual to recall the event subsequently, or on a day-to-day basis.
As a general rule, the final step is to try to prevent relapses. The idea is to consider the risk factors, which situations involve risks, and also to teach strategies that will allow the individual to manage those problems, if they re-emerge.
So, we are essentially talking about multiple components. Of course, to that can be added all kinds of very relevant modules, especially for veterans. I know that at the Sainte-Anne Centre, for example, we do a lot of work with respect to nightmares. Often, nightmares are part of the symptoms. In fact, the dreams are what cause distress. And the dream may not necessarily be an exact representation of the event to which they were exposed. There are intervention methods and strategies that allow people to stop having these nightmares, and that can be very helpful. We can also help with anger management, and with respect to other emotions which are not necessarily fear-related and are therefore not a result of anxiety—for example, guilt or shame—feelings that are often very prevalent in veterans and which must be addressed as part of the therapy.