I've listened very carefully to what you've had to say today and I've also listened carefully to the questions that have been asked. This is always a wonderful opportunity to receive a bit of an education on something we may not be exposed to on a regular basis as members of the committee. So I do appreciate this. I also appreciate your taking the opportunity to lobby for funds for your specific clinic. I think if I were in your position, I would have done exactly the same thing today.
But one thing you said today that I have to disagree with—and I stand to be corrected—is that it's your understanding that a lot of veterans suffering from PTSD don't say anything because they're afraid of losing their jobs. You are, I'm sure, aware of the Veterans Charter that was passed earlier this year, which would take care of any veteran and retrain him if necessary. So I have to take exception to the comment that they don't come forward because they're afraid of losing their jobs. From my perspective, I would say that wouldn't be the reason they may be fearful of coming forward. I think it probably has more to do with the stigma that's attached; somehow that thought process is still out there in the military that if you've suffered from this, you're somehow less of a soldier—which I don't agree with. But the loss of jobs to me is really not a big issue, because the families will be taken care of, the soldier will be taken care of, and retraining is available, as well as a support system.
So I'd be interested in the rationale behind your thought that it's because they're afraid of losing their job.