I know generally about the kind of work being done by this group, which is really to provide peer support to soldiers who have been back from a mission for some time, have left the Canadian Forces, and have become veterans. The work they perform is very well regarded and seems to have positive effects. I don't have any data or studies that would attest to that, but I do know that, generally speaking, the group is well regarded and appreciated.
In terms of Veterans Affairs Canada working with families, spouses and close relatives, I can tell you that the Sainte-Anne Centre has developed intervener groups and that they are refining their interventions. I have discussions with them in order to provide any assistance I can, since I do have some expertise in developing interventions involving close relatives that can help veterans and people coping with post-traumatic stress.
So, I do know a little about it. For example, I know that they have spouses groups. They meet the spouses and get them to talk about the problems they are experiencing as a result of PTSD affecting their veteran spouse. These interventions are certainly an appropriate part of the mix. Living for seven, eight, ten or twelve years with a spouse who has PTSD, who has trouble talking about his problems and feeling positive emotions, who is more irritable, who has trouble concentrating, who doesn't sleep well, and so on, leads to lower quality of life for the entire family. Therefore, getting the family and spouses involved is a must.