At the top of the second page, the first italicized comment begins with “Keith”, I guess it's Keith Hillier who's mentioned. The third line, “We, CPVA”, which is what, the Canadian pensioners and veterans association? The Peacekeeping Veterans Association. “We, CPVA, should not be written into the document as a participant”. What is that writer...? Were they somehow signing off on something? What was the context of that concern? Does anybody know?
The only thing I can imagine is where it says they should not be written into the document as a participant, and then they mention the legal action and so on--and that's another point--maybe they were being asked to sign off that they have seen this or commented. I don't think anybody, in participating in something like this, is actually ever signing off. You don't give up your rights because you've participated in something.
Anyway, for the moment, that's my comment.