My honest guess of how this will work is that it's something that is emotive and feels good and comes out of this complaint that veterans had with regard to how they felt treated in the past. So you go ahead and you create this little card. Then what happens is that a veteran goes in, and if he doesn't feel like he's getting the respect he's due, based on the card, maybe he makes some complaints to the ombudsman. Where it really gets interesting is where he launches a civil action or there's a class action against the government with regard to some aspect of Veterans Affairs, and they quote and use this as a document, and then all of a sudden it comes into the courts and there's a question of what its significance is.
I know we're going to have parliamentary legal counsel here. They don't have a crystal ball. They're not going to know exactly where this is going to take them. But that's my guess of how it would evolve.