Or perhaps the members of Parliament might not be sure that veteran is getting the full representation that he or she deserves.
Do you then say, “All right, we're going to have a regime where you can hire a lawyer of your choice, and we'll provide some compensation for your costs by a prescribed tariff to a certain degree?” Do you know what I mean? There are all those kinds of mechanisms that come into play.
How equitable is this system if you can say, yes, you can fight the system, you have these rights, but the veteran responds, “Yes, but I haven't got a nickel to hire a lawyer, I don't really like the lawyers you're giving me, and the bureaucrats are so smart they know everything, and I don't know what's going on”? Pretty soon the rubber hits the road, and the test of the pudding is in the tasting, and all of a sudden the rights are very nice on the page and the veteran is very moved by them, but these and a dime will get a cup of coffee, as we used to say.
That's the challenge, isn't it?