You've laid out the spectrum as to where we could go with this. We do want to make this the most practical and legitimate way. If there's any sense that veterans' rights are being bridged or not respected--a veteran realizes that the information he has shared with the department has in fact not been secure and certain people have been talking about his case and information has been passed along, or if he's six months into waiting for a benefit, there is no benefit there, and he's frustrated with calling the office and not getting any satisfaction and he's reluctant to call his MP.... So we need the mechanism now.
Would you suggest that he go straight to the ombudsman? What's the next step?
Is that what we're looking for here, folks, the next logical step? The ombudsman will stand behind this charter. I think that's what we're looking for. Are there triggers? Would it be better if we set time limits, or is that a whole other box of headaches that we're creating here?