I thank you very much for that, but Mr. Sweet had indicated that it was--and correct me if I'm wrong--a promise that was made by the Prime Minister to do it within a year. That year process had come up, and that's why they had to move on the bill of rights, if I'm not mistaken. If that's the case, following that logic--and I wouldn't denounce that logic that you make a promise and you keep it, and that's a good thing--unfortunately, it circumvented the work of this committee.
But I have another promise that the Prime Minister made, and I'll read it into the record. It is dated June 28, 2005, and it is to Joyce Carter of St. Peters, Nova Scotia:
Dear Ms. Carter:
Thank you for the letters you have sent regarding the Veterans Independence Program. I am pleased to have this opportunity to outline the Conservative Party's Policy.
A Conservative government would immediately
--and, I repeat, immediately--
extend the Veterans Independence Program services to all widows of all Second World War and Korean War veterans regardless of when the Veteran passed away or how long they had been receiving the benefit prior to passing away.
I trust this clarifies the Conservative Party's position. Should you have any further questions, I would invite you to write directly to Betty Hinton, the Conservative Party Critic for Veterans Affairs.
Ms. Hinton's address is given, and the letter is signed Hon. Stephen Harper.
There's another letter written by the now parliamentary secretary that says the following:
Thank you for your numerous letters regarding the Veterans Independence Program benefits.
As the Shadow Minister for Veterans Affairs, I have been advocating for the extension of VIP benefits to all WWII and Korea War Veterans' widows. You may be interested to know that this was adopted as part of the Conservative Party of Canada's policy last March at our convention.
While I appreciate your dedication to this issue, you are writing to the converted. Unfortunately, until the Conservative Party forms government I am unable to change the regulations to extend V.I.P. benefits to all Veterans' widows.
It didn't say there would be a timeline. Mr. Harper's letter said “immediately”. They've been in government for 15 months, and my definition of “immediately” is right now, or in French, maintenant. So if that's the logic the government is going to use for the bill of rights, then why haven't we seen the VIP services?
You're right, Mr. Sweet, this committee does great work and there is a very cooperative nature. But to hear in a news conference that the work we've been doing has more or less been ignored and that we should proceed full speed ahead regardless of what the committee may or may not recommend was a slap in the face to all of us, not just to us in opposition, but to you as members as well.
I would hope the government would have at least some sort of letter from the minister or something expressing concern as to why they had to specifically do it without waiting for our recommendations.
Madam Hinton is right, these veterans are getting older. They don't have much time to wait. They need direction, and they need indications of where we're going. If this committee is going to be the vehicle and the tool to give government its recommendations, hopefully unanimously, then the government should at least honour and respect the work of the committee. In this particular case it did not, in my personal view, and that's most unfortunate.