I must have had a bit of a memory lapse, but the other part of it was that when we were looking at the wording of the two, they were very much similar. Behind each of these points, there will be backup. There already is backup, so that may also be the point that was brought forward by Albina earlier. What does it actually mean? That is something that's available also.
I would think it's the overlay, and if that's the mission or the bill of rights in terms of its opening statement, then that's what it is. The meat is in the backup of the points.
We had legal counsel here the last time, and we talked about what we had prepared. We were basically all in agreement on what we had prepared, in that this was what we wanted to outline, the draft. I'm actually glad we did that. What we had prepared in terms of our draft actually is reflected very much in the veterans bill that has come forward.
I'll just leave it again. It's up to the committee to make some decisions. Mr. Valley has raised an issue. If we want to stop it, we can do that. If we want to get some further information on it, we can do that also. But let's make a decision on where we want to go, so that we can move on and deal with this. We likely aren't going to deal with it further today, because we'll be asking for information to be brought forward, but if we want to move ahead of where we're going next in terms of the health care issues, let's set that agenda and move on with it.