So I'm going to take a moment to read this draft:
WHEREAS there are a number of questions concerning a veterans bill of rights
AND WHEREAS a version was recently announced by the Prime Minister
Therefore, be it resolved that the Veterans Affairs Committee suspend or terminate
--pick the word, “suspend” or “terminate”--
its study on a bill of rights until such time as it receives a written response from the Minister of Veterans Affairs regarding
(1) the legal standing of any such bill of rights;
(2) does the Prime Minister's statement actually entail a bill of rights, or absent a legal standing, is it more appropriately described as a mission statement or a code of conflict;
and (3) whether the minister or government is open to suggestions on the said bill of rights inasmuch as it is now publicized on the department's website;
and finally, that the chair be asked to write to the minister conveying the spirit of this resolution.
That's just a proposal.