Thank you.
This has been very interesting today. I have never had witnesses sit in here who I haven't found interesting, but this has been very educational as well.
These are just my thoughts. Sometimes self-examination, as well, helps you realize that you have stress or that you have a problem you need help with. I'm wondering whether that's encouraged. That would be a question I'd like to ask.
This is just a comment, and it may sound silly, but when the microwave goes off at home, it makes me anxious. I couldn't understand why until I did a little self-examination one time. If you're a member of Parliament, your life is ruled by bells. They ring, and the quicker they ring, the less time you have to get there. It causes some anxiety. You don't want to be late for this, that, or the other thing. One day when this microwave went off, my husband asked me why it bothered me so much, because it's such a minor thing. And I finally realized that this was exactly what it was; it's because of the bells that happen here. You know, it's that old Pavlov's dog-training kind of thing.
There have to be a number of instances with military personnel when something that is just a normal, everyday occurrence that happens all the time triggers some sort of reaction in the individual. I would be interested in hearing what the major or Mr. Dufour—