In Valcartier there is a research centre next to us. They have a cyber room. Again, that's another initiative we have. We attended a cyber therapy meeting and the American army was there to train people. You go into a cyber chamber and you're 3D—on the ceiling and the floor. And you are in the theatre. This is where we would like to connect with the research centre, and we have started to do so. But again, it is on our own free time, which we don't have.
One of our psychologists is trying to see if we could do a training program that could help with people's resiliency, by maybe seeing dead people and reacting— We would also like to use the same centre to screen people before they go. If they don't react well to the cyber room, they are probably not fit to go.
There are avenues in which we could go, but right now we do not have enough people to do all that. We wish we could. There is research being done, but not on our part for now.
I think we are going to cooperate with that research centre for that cyber room. Research will come out of that.