What I have realized with respect to the uniformed doctors in the military is that we tend not to go to these people, because we refer our patients to them. So if we are sick, we will not seek help from them. We found a psychologist downtown who is older and very experienced who will take over the care of the uniformed doctors. Usually the other trades, like nurses, social workers, and other medical trades, are comfortable being treated by them. This is for the uniformed people.
We have seen instances when people like me—base surgeons, military psychiatrists—were sick, and it's a challenge. It's almost impossible to treat a colleague or the person who is supposed to be your boss. So we try to be ingenious. We will see a base surgeon from another base who comes to our region. We'll set up stuff like that or have people downtown especially for us.
As for the civilians, I will let Marc-André answer that.