Good morning, folks. We have another veterans affairs meeting.
I would like to welcome Monsieur Gaudet back. He's been away; I understand that the other committee he was with has finally put its report in to the House. We're very grateful to have his familiar and smiling face back at our committee table.
I would like to welcome our witnesses this morning from the Department of National Defence. We have Ms. Margaret Ramsay, Major Chantal Descôteaux, and Dr. Marc-André Dufour.
You can collectively have 20 minutes, or you can have snippets thereof, or you can slice it however you wish. Afterwards these folks on the standing committee get a chance to ask you questions and pick your brains. We also, at the end, have a motion from Mrs. Hinton to deal with today at our committee.
I give it over to our witnesses. Please go ahead with your presentation.