When we develop our analysis, we'll look at the available options in terms of addressing the needs that have been identified. They're helping us identify the needs and gaps in service, and the Keeping the Promise document does a really good job of that.
We're focused with them now on the needs assessment toolkit, because without that you have nothing to work with. You can say you're going to have a needs-based approach and you can say it's going to be disconnected from complex eligibility rules, but until you have something the staff can work with that is tried and true, you don't have a system that's capable of being implemented. So the primary focus of their latest work with us has been to help us design an approach that would work as a needs-based approach.
We're using a model from Quebec called Le système de mesure de l'autonomie fonctionnelle, which the council widely recommends be adapted by us to use.
I don't know whether that's helpful or not, sir.