My father has a cottage there.
To come back to your comment, it's not that the men aren't trained. The men I sent to Yugoslavia, among others, were trained. They knew how to use their equipment. Nevertheless, generally, we didn't have enough equipment to do the job. Furthermore, the equipment wasn't modern enough to allow us to do the job that needed to be done. In any case, the Canadian Forces have always operated on a wing and a prayer. However, equipment has greatly improved.
With regard to combat training, conducting operations under difficult conditions, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and so forth, training techniques have been updated a great deal, whether it be through the use of simulators or real equipment. The time factor also plays a role. Soldiers are in training for three months. They are currently in Wainwright, Texas. Before they leave for the front, they are subjected to harsh living conditions, and everything is taken much more seriously than before. We must remember that, during the Second World War, soldiers spent three years in England before seeing their first German, in Italy. After three years, they were no longer rookies. We don't have three years; however, we now take the time to train them, whereas we did not before.
There are still shortcomings where combat experience is concerned. I'm talking here about the way we take care of veterans, to start, then, once they have acquired their combat or conflict experience, the way we deal with that. There are not hundreds of thousands of us and we don't live in a country that, in the post-war period, created the first charter and education programs involving the purchase of land or farms. There are just a few of us. Our world is much more independent in this regard. I am not allowed to go into the soldiers' files: the Charter prohibits me from looking at confidential information. So, it's much more complicated. Nonetheless, soldiers are changed by the combat experience they acquire. But at the same time, many of the men are getting the short end of the stick.