Thank you very much. I really appreciate having this opportunity to talk with you. I very much appreciate your interest in this.
I've been a member of the Gerontological Advisory Council for about five years. I'm not one of the original members, but I chair the working group that developed the report Keeping the Promise. I'm a nurse, and my clinical and research areas really focus more on long-term care, particularly the quality of the daily lives of people with dementia who live in long-term care.
I also do work at the other end of the spectrum, and that's on health promotion. I've done a lot of work with public health and have taught health promotions to nursing students for many years. I'm chairing the health promotion committee of the advisory council and working with Veterans Affairs staff to determine how Veterans Affairs can put into place the programs and systems that are proposed in Keeping the Promise and those that will lead, we hope over the long run, to better health outcomes for all veterans. There's a second committee, chaired by Dr. François Béland, that is working on assessment of needs, the types of screening tools that will be used to assess individuals at various stages of their involvement with Veterans Affairs. Both of these committees met for a full day two weeks ago to begin the work of identifying how we should go about developing what our particular objectives are.
Veterans Affairs staff had done a lot of work in preparation for these meetings. Our aim is to have a fairly comprehensive report going to the Gerontological Advisory Council meeting the first week of July in Charlottetown.
I thought I would start by talking about the health promotions committee specifically. I want to review the principles that we've adopted to guide the committee's work as we identify how we are going to develop the programs and develop access to these programs across all of the areas in Canada.
Our first principle is that we be very pragmatic and realistic. We intend to recommend programs that are doable and how to get programs into place across the country. We're only going to recommend evidence-based programs; that is, programs for which there is sufficient researched evidence demonstrating that they are effective in achieving better health outcomes.
We shall take an incremental approach. We'll start with programs for which evidence exists now of their effectiveness, then develop a process whereby we or the staff of Veterans Affairs continually assess the research evidence, so that as other programs are demonstrated to be effective, they would be added to the repertoire of programs that Veterans Affairs has available.
We'll also be forward-thinking. In Keeping the Promise, as you know—because I've read the transcripts of your previous interviews—we were asked specifically to deal with war veterans, that is, World War I, World War II, and Korean war veterans, although we really focused on World War II and Korean war veterans.
I think the programs we are going to recommend have to be relevant for veterans and their caregivers. Initially, these folks are in advanced age, but we need to be laying the foundation for all veterans—those in their middle years. The average age of Canadian Forces veterans now I believe is 56, but there are much younger veterans as well. We need to put in place now the types of programs and processes that will serve veterans of all ages.
In Keeping the Promise we propose creating a new role: the early intervention specialist. These are the health promotion specialists. Let me tell you, I think that's still not the right name. We struggled with this, both within our working group and on the Veterans Affairs council. We quite liked the term “health navigator”, but it did not go over well with the veterans groups, so we're using the term “early intervention specialist”. That sounds a little too medical, I think, so that's an area where we still have to do some work. I will refer to the role as early intervention specialist because that's what we've documented in Keeping the Promise.
These individuals would be added to every team in every regional office. The number of individuals would be determined by the size of the office, both in terms of the number of veterans they serve and the geographic distances that the area is responsible for.
After an initial screening of a veteran who contacts Veterans Affairs, if the veteran has demonstrated that they do not need health services, the veteran would be referred then to the early intervention specialist. They would have an additional assessment at that point to determine what their health promotion activities were. What kind of nutrition did they have? What's their weight? What kinds of exercise activities did they participate in? Did they have chronic illnesses that they were managing? They would be with the early intervention specialist if they were managing those chronic conditions fairly well, but there might be additional work needed there.
There would be an additional screening, and if that early intervention specialist identified, on this more intensive screening, that the individual needed services, that individual would also be contacted by a care coordinator. When I say “individual”, I'm talking about the veteran and a caregiver. We are very much of the approach, and I hope you took that from the Keeping the Promise document, that you must provide services to both the veteran and his or her caregiver. With that, the early intervention specialist would then work with the veteran and his or her caregiver to determine what types of health promotion activities would suit them, and they would benefit from and then organize that with them. We are not going to leave it to the veteran to make all of these arrangements. People at 80 and 85 need somebody to attach them to programs.
We're focusing on programs for health promotion that can be established in every area office. We began by examining programs in four areas: nutrition, physical activity, falls prevention, and chronic disease management. We looked at the area of social integration because of its relevance for the mental health of veterans, but we decided that rather than treating it as a separate category, we would link it to physical activities and other areas, because social integration can frequently be realized by participating in other types of activities.
Again, we're identifying which interventions are most appropriate for the early intervention specialist and which are more appropriate for the care coordinator.
I'm going to focus most of the rest of my comments on the work we've done around physical activity, partly because there is more evidence in this area and because more programs designed particularly for older people have been evaluated in this area.
There is very strong research evidence about people who are physically active and engage in regular physical exercise, regardless of their age; it applies to people even in advanced old age. These people are healthier, they have lower blood pressure, they're at better weights, they have lower diabetic rates, and they have lower rates of frailty. If you can get younger people, or if younger people are actively engaged in regular physical activity and do it on a sustained basis, clearly there are better and more dramatic effects in terms of health outcomes than when you start with people who are already old. But when it comes to physical activity, the phrase “it's never too late” really does apply.
I'm pleased to say that a good deal of the evidence that links health outcomes to physical activity is Canadian research. We are looking a populations that we will be dealing with in the future. It's not specifically related to veterans, however.
It is critical that the programs we are recommending be evidence-based—I've said that several times now—but it's also very important that the programs be accessible and affordable. That's where Veterans Affairs really has a major role to play. It needs to establish the programs, monitor their quality, develop ways of making them accessible to veterans and their caregivers, and ensure they're affordable, either by paying the cost or by supplementing the cost.
We know that if we start with an 85-year-old veteran and his 82-year-old wife and get them both into exercise programs, it's not going to have huge effects, but it will have some. We know that if we can get the 50-year-old veteran into these programs, we can expect a much larger effect. We can get the 35-year-old veteran into programs. These programs have to be different, because different generations have different attitudes towards physical activity. We might expect the 35-year-old veteran to already be into physical activity programs, and even the 56-year-old. Baby boomers have a very different attitude toward physical exercise; a lot of these people will have personal trainers. That is not likely to be the case for the 85-year-old veteran.
There are four physical exercise programs we are looking at in depth because there is demonstrated effectiveness for all of them. One is called enhanced fitness; one is called active choices.
Enhanced fitness is an individually oriented program. This would be useful for veterans who are not interested in or do not want to participate in a group activity, but it is a prescribed exercise program with a lot of telephone contact with the veteran by that early intervention specialist to review how things are going and to discuss any effects, both negative and positive, that the veteran might be feeling. We're looking at that as one type of program.
PACE is another. PACE stands for People with Arthritis Can Exercise. We know that there's a higher prevalence of arthritis in older veterans than there is in the population at large. We believe there's good American research that demonstrates a link between military service and the subsequent development of arthritis. We want a PACE program in place in every area, as well as another program called “Growing Stronger”.
We would expect the early intervention specialist, within that specialist's area, to identify existing exercise programs wherever they're located. They may be offered by veterans organizations such as the Legion or the army, navy, and air force veterans organizations. They may be offered by the YMCA, by seniors clubs, or even by for-profit fitness clubs. The early intervention specialist needs to know what's already available. What kinds of programs are they? Do they conform to the evidence-based programs that we are going to mount or support?
If they are not available, then the specialist will work with veterans organizations, the YMCA, or private clubs to get them established and then link veterans to them through these screening processes. The early intervention specialist will determine the transportation needs of the veterans, will develop transportation for these programs, and will fund or supplement fees to make it possible for the veterans to access the programs.
The early intervention specialist would then stay in touch with those veterans. It's not a matter of linking them and then moving out. We see ongoing contact to see how things are going. If the program isn't working for the veterans, then they need to work with other programs.
When I say this, it's not about imposing this on the veteran. This would be worked out with the veteran and caregiver on what they're interested in and what's possible for them. They would then get them into those programs and stay in touch with them. We expect positive health benefits and positive social participation benefits from this.
We are proceeding to seek out and appraise research on other programs. It's going on right now. We'll be working hard at that over the month of June in preparation for our July meeting.
We've also had consultations with Dr. Mary Altpeter. She's worked with Victor Marshall at the University of North Carolina. She is really the American specialist on these kinds of health promotion programs. It's not only activity but health promotion programs that affect other health areas.
We will be coming forward with a recommended list. We expect it will not be very long. While we have lots of research linking nutrition and health outcomes, exercise and health outcomes, social participation and health outcomes, the programs that have been developed and assessed in terms of effectiveness and the research done on this are much more limited.
We are systematically reviewing that. A lot of work has been done in terms of bringing this research together. It's those kinds of summaries and critical appraisals that we're reviewing.
We recognize this will require additional resources. But we believe, and we've certainly had nothing but support from Veterans Affairs in believing, this kind of investment is what we need to do now in order to have better health outcomes for veterans in the future.
I know in earlier interviews with Victor and with Norah Keating, you discussed the need to identify veterans and to encourage them to contact Veterans Affairs. They can be screened and linked to programs for health promotion and to the health services they require.
We've spent quite a bit of time talking about how we can reach veterans, because, as you know, Veterans Affairs does not have a roster of all the veterans. For those who are already connected to services—and I think it's 40% of veterans who are already in the VIP program—that's not a challenge. But we do need to reach the 60% of veterans who are not connected. We've discussed using Salute! and other communications from Veterans Affairs, and using the organizations like the Legion and the army, navy, air force, etc.
I believe at an earlier meeting you suggested that it might be possible to work with the offices of members of Parliament to reach veterans in their constituencies, through their communication vehicles and other contacts. I think that's a wonderful idea, because it's been a challenge for us to identify how we would get to these people.
Rather than talking more about other programs, I think I'll stop so that we might move on to questions and discussion.