First of all, I have limited exposure to this. We don't have contact with DND.
I will say that I have not encountered negative views at all from the Veterans Affairs staff, and we work with a lot of staff, both in Charlottetown and people across the country. Staff come to our Gerontological Advisory Council meetings and participate in discussions, so we get exposure to that.
The thing is, when the veteran is coming to Veterans Affairs now, I think the injuries that are clearly linked to war services have been identified and those people are in the system. It is long-term possible complications of wartime service that are surfacing now. It's these older veterans, where it's not an amputation; it's not an obvious injury. It's a consequence of either deployment or military service, like arthritis. The research is fairly recent still on linking the long-term effects of military service to old age health problems.
That's the group that we see, and I think we have a good feel for them. I can't really speak with any knowledge or authority on the experiences of young injured veterans.