Speaking on behalf of my own organization, yes, there's widespread use of Legion infrastructure across the country. We do that in Miramichi. I know they do it in Victoria and in other places. It's normal, because there is such a good relationship between the organizations. In fact, most of our members are also Legion members.
Just to expand on that a little bit, because of the aging population within the Legion, at least among the war service veterans, many of them now are not able to participate in activities like parades and so on, and if they do, they're sitting down. So we are taking a larger and larger role in marching down the street on Canada Day, for instance, wearing blue berets. We also participate in Legion activities such as poppy sales. In Miramichi, for instance, more peacekeepers are selling poppies than actual Legion members.
That was just a little aside to indicate how well the organizations meld together.