Thank you.
I think perhaps your having served as a witness previously and having served as a witness again today, you can see that the committee has interests in a great variety of things, and that may be one of the reasons it's not always right on target as to what it is we're trying to deal with. But what we're trying to deal with right now is improvements to the VIP program and the health care benefits.
So I'm going to give you an opportunity, and I recognize that you seem to have been kind of dropped into this position today. I apologize for that. But I would like to give you an opportunity to maybe relay any kind of feedback you've had from members of your organization regarding what their needs might be in terms of the VIP program, because you did say that they run from 55 to 70. Also, you may want to talk about what you personally or what your association feels would be improvements to the health care system.
Those are two things I'd like to give you the opportunity to perhaps respond to.