Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for being here.
I'd actually like to start with your final comments, and if I misrepresent in any way your final comments, please let me know.
I took it that you thought the community you represent, the retired peacekeeping veterans, faced a whole different set of circumstances when they left the military versus those who left after World War II and Korea, the two other principal situations. And obviously the numbers were also different. The numbers we dealt with as a country, post-World War II and post-Korea, were a lot different from the numbers we face with peacekeeping veterans, because they tend to leave, I assume, on a continual basis as opposed to thousands at a time.
For example, I have a little house across the river in Hull in a little neighbourhood called Wrightville, off Sherbrooke. That whole neighbourhood was built...they were called homecoming. That's what I was told. There were hundreds of houses that were built right after World War II. They're all the same, brick houses with no basements, and they were for the military. So there were programs.
Could you just talk about it a little bit more...? Are you a peacekeeping veteran yourself?