I think, of course, that this is returning to the notion of the umbrella organization. But there is a second theme to it, and that is that this would be, actually, the use of the infrastructure that's there. I certainly appreciate what the Legion is doing for us. But on the umbrella organization, I have to return to what I said earlier.
Again, there are different movements afoot now. For instance, we, as an organization--the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association--have applied for a name change to the Canadian Armed Forces Veterans Association, which would make us generic in nature. It would also even include, by clear definition, police officers who had served in that kind of thing.
Again, I think there are probably movements afoot by our other peacekeeping organization as well, although I have not heard about it. So there's the Legion and us. And I don't know whether the ANAVETS and the Gulf War Veterans Association are attempting anything of that nature.
Clearly, there's thinking and some form of action going on in that area and in that direction. I think all the veterans recognize the benefits of trying to create something like that.