Is that not correct? That was certainly my understanding.
I'll let you answer that later on, but there are a few things I want to say.
It feels like I've known Mr. Bruyea for a long, long time, and Louise Richard as well. They have been very instrumental. I probably will never get another chance to say this and have it on the public record, so I'm going to say it today.
Having talked with Mr. Bruyea and with Louise Richard and with many other veterans across this country, I learned there were a lot of obstacles they faced that I was completely unaware of. Because of the discussions we've had over this pretty extended period of time, I went forward to the leader of my party, who was leader of the opposition at the time, and expressed all of the concerns that were told to me across the country. I was told by my leader, who is now the Prime Minister, to put forward a piece of legislation to go to the conference for the Conservative Party of Canada. I did that. Two of the seven things in those pieces of legislation are:
A Conservative Government will treat all veterans with respect and will create a Veterans' Bill of Rights to ensure that all disputes involving veterans are treated quickly, fairly and with the presumption in favour of the rights of the veteran.
The second one is:
The Conservative Party would immediately enlist the services of an Ombudsman with a mandate similar to that of the National Defence Ombudsman
I say that for one purpose and one purpose only. I know you feel that sometimes you have been beating your head against the wall and no one is hearing you. I'm here to assure you that you have been heard; that those concerns you have brought forward as a modern-day veteran have been echoed by traditional veterans. The example I give you is Lieutenant-Colonel Al Trotter, who went through the same kinds of problems you went through. We finally resolved his after a year and a half.
This ombudsman position is being brought into existence because of people like you and Al Trotter, who told us what their needs were.
I will have a question for you, but I want to tell you that from my perspective, you, Louise, Perry, Tom, and all the people like you who've talked to us over the years, you leave a living legacy that will go on long after you will. There will be an ombudsman in place.
Today's discussions are for us to hear from you again what you think that position should be about, what you think the power should be.
It will be this committee that will discuss these issues, and we will try to come up with the best alternative for all veterans concerned. The value you bring to this table when you give us your opinion and your experience is tremendous. I know that sometimes it feels like you're not being heard, but I want to tell you that you are being heard and that your legacy is tremendous.
I'll give you an opportunity, if you like, to maybe put a bit more detail into some of the things you raised in your opening comments, because I know it's a limited amount of time and the field is open. Go for it.