I'm also very sympathetic toward your needs. I don't think that's a request. It has to happen; you have to eat. David has the same kind of issue. Unlike some reasons for having meals brought in, I think these are very legitimate reasons, and I think it would probably serve all of us on this committee well to make certain that we do eat. As was mentioned, I also go to another meeting at one o'clock, so I would be going from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. with no meal break. That is kind of ridiculous. So I don't have a problem with that at all.
One thing I do have a problem with, and I'm sure that one of my other colleagues will have an equally serious problem with it, is that I'm really disappointed to hear we can't meet in the veterans room after going through the paces of having it named the veterans room. I'm not certain what can be done about that, but I would certainly like to look into the possibility of changing it.
It's booked every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 11, is that the problem?