What happens is that procedure and House affairs sits at the same time as us. They always sit from 11 to 1. They don't change like we do. The reason for that is that the procedure and House affairs committee requires the presence of the whips of every party and they have to be in close proximity to the House. That's why they sit in room 112 north.
There are only three committee rooms in the Centre Block, those upstairs on the second floor, which are televised rooms. They're always used for committees that bring in a minister and things like that. Therefore, when we came into this block, we came into confrontation with that arrangement and they have precedence over us. It's something that was already established before we named it the veterans room. It's not up to me to decide. It is really up to the whips to decide what to do with this. I would suggest to all the members to talk to their whips about it and hopefully work something out. They will advise me after that.