As well, you can make the recommendation, but then if the person is not following through on the service, you can't evaluate that service as not being appropriate; it's that they never took part in the program. They didn't take the medicine or whatever the case might be.
Something to consider, which I just thought about as you were asking your question, is perhaps something like a travelling journal. The person is in the know on their health status, and as they navigate the system, the journal is on the journey with the veteran. That way we're better able to track the programs and services that have actually been attended by the veteran. That is something perhaps to consider--something that travels with the person--because it is impossible for all of the various health care providers to be in the know on what's going on with this person, and when you're reinventing the wheel, it's very difficult to do. If there were something like a travelling journal that follows a person, that might be--