Thank you for that opportunity.
Yes, in fact, we are very highly regarded in the world for the work we've done. The work related to age-friendly cities is something on which we've worked very closely with the World Health Organization.
It's been really pioneering work. Through it, we've developed a guide that is being used around the world. There are now, I think, 33 cities involved in that particular initiative. It's largely due to Canada's leadership, I think I can say, that this initiative has taken place. I think we've done a very significant job. We received an award from Help the Aged in the U.K. for the work we've done in this area.
The other area I would mention is the area of seniors in emergency situations. Again we've been the leader in that area. We hosted a workshop in Winnipeg last year, the results of which will be discussed and presented to the United Nations next week on February 8. We'll be following that up with a second workshop in March that will bring together a number of experts from around the world.
I think very fairly we can say that Canada has been the leader in the world in this area.