Cathy has said it quite well.
The only thing that came to mind was when Cathy was talking about the need for intervenors. From 1995 to 2002, I was working for one of you. I was working for an MP, and we'd go to the riding and we would meet with constituents. I can remember three or four times when we met with constituents who were veterans. In one or two cases it was the VIP service that they should have been eligible for and they weren't able to access it. One of them needed his trees trimmed and his lawn cut. What you guys were able to do is a bit the same, analogous to what the CNIB does. We have someone, Krysia Pazdzior, for instance, in Ottawa who works with veterans. There are fewer and fewer veterans, but through SAPA, through the Sir Arthur Pearson organization that CNIB set up, she was working with many veterans. It is just that personal touch that you as an MP can offer to a veteran. That's what an intervenor, whether it's CNIB or through another agency, can offer.
Veterans Affairs does a great job, as Cathy said. Europe and the Americans look to Veterans Affairs Canada as a model.
That personal touch, knowing the person.... Some elderly are afraid to ask for something or they don't know what to ask for, and many of them don't know that they can call their MP or that they can call the CNIB. I just want to say that this level of personal touch for an individual who has served his country is much needed.
Thank you.