Yes, clean air. So thank you for that reference.
I'll conclude with one of the points you made. You talked about the application of senior-friendly technology and the integration of that technology in such a way that you didn't have one device for the lifeline hanging around your neck for when you fall, and another one over here for the lights. You mentioned the things they had developed for the first lunar landing.
It would seem that we have, within our grasp, fairly inexpensive options that we could integrate into one simple clutter-free, trouble-free device for seniors. Am I right in assuming that we need to integrate these things so that they control lights and contain something to answer a door monitor, if, for instance, someone says “Hello, it's your neighbour, Mary Smith”, and so they can lock the doors or unlock the doors, or turn on the computer so you could access, maybe through a video conference, a professional?
There must be ways to make it very simple. I know it would be helpful to me, and I'm not yet a senior.