Well, the title was based on the fact that it wasn't until I think something like 1998 that the Canadian government accepted the fact that the Korean War was a war. It was a police action; it was a United Nations operation. We felt that when you're shooting somebody and they're shooting you, it's a war. It took us about 45 years from the end of the war to get the war recognized as an actual war.
There are a number of reasons for that. I think one of the things was the timing. The Korean War broke out in 1950. People were war-weary. They'd had a world war that ended five years before, and now they had another one. And really, in comparison with the scope of the Second World War, obviously Korea was, as far as Canada was concerned, at least, a sideshow.
Then on top of that came the next major war or the next major operation--we like to call it--when the Americans moved into Vietnam. This was a massive operation again, and it was covered. Every day you saw the war on TV. It was fresh in everybody's memory. It got lots and lots of news and all that sort of thing. So we were more or less sandwiched in between the two major events.
As an example, one of the papers--I think it was the Vancouver Province--just to see what happened, printed the same communiqué from Canadian headquarters three days in a row to see if anybody noticed it. Nobody did.
Today, as an example, a soldier gets killed in Afghanistan. God knows we don't want to lose anybody in Afghanistan or anywhere. He gets a full page of the paper. You get TV showing him going on the plane in Kabul. You get more TV showing the ceremony at Trenton. You probably get something in the national press. Fine, he deserved it. As far as I'm concerned, any soldier who gives his or her life for the country—and I say “her” because we have a lady right now in our cemetery, as you know, at Beechwood--deserves everything they get. In our day, the most you would get in the national press would be a list of casualties. You might get a couple of paragraphs in the local paper, perhaps a photograph, if they had one, and that was it.
So people did feel forgotten. And this is why it's unfortunate. I don't think it's deliberate; I think it's just the way events happen. As I said, we called it “the war that wasn't” because it took 40 years to get it recognized as a war.