We have to put things in perspective, and see them as they happen and as they are. I was and am still in favour of going to visit the local bases before the soldiers leave on missions, regardless of where they are going. My objective is to be able to advance a cause I hold dear, which is to provide soldiers with more information about post-traumatic stress disorder and operational psychological injuries. That is why I agree to go and I am happy and proud to do it.
On the other hand, when it comes to Cyprus, you have heard the psychologists who testified before the committee. They told us that it was too late to tackle post-traumatic stress syndrome. They explained that the intervention had to be within 24 or 48 hours or within the shortest possible time. I think that in Cyprus we are going to see soldiers who are there to entertain themselves, to have some fun. I doubt that it would be useful. That is why I find the proposal of a trip to Cyprus to be less worthwhile, except from a tourism standpoint.