He could probably sell me one now. I'll have to go down to Chapters and get one.
There are also notes here that say it is a forgotten war. I'm reflecting on that a little bit, because I believe it's absolutely true, even with my own experience. We hear so much about other conflicts we've been involved in. With some of my colleagues around the table and many other Canadians, I've had the opportunity to celebrate some of our victories in Europe during World War I. There was the 90th anniversary at Beaumont-Hamel, which was a very moving experience, and I can relate when you talk about some of your own remembrance experiences as well.
This may not be directly related, but I think it is: why is it that you entitled your book The War That Wasn't, and why is it that we call it the forgotten war? It's important in your struggle to achieve equality of benefits for people who served in the Korean War.