When Brian Ferguson and I were appearing at the committee last May, we talked about the veterans health services review and the veterans independence program. What we didn't get to in the discussion of the continuum of care was the very important role long-term care now plays in that continuum and will certainly play in the future. Some 11,000 veterans receive long-term care under the auspices of Veterans Affairs. So with the indulgence of the chair and the committee again, my comments will focus on the long-term care aspect of that continuum and so will my opening remarks.
My first part of the opening remarks is to say I'm pleased to be here today--but actually I'm not there, and I apologize for that--in my capacity as director general of program and service policy.
Let me start by saying that Veterans Affairs has a long history of providing long-term care services and benefits to veterans. In 1919 Veterans Affairs began providing care, treatment, and rehabilitation for soldiers acutely injured during the First World War. Activity peaked at the end of the Second World War in 1946, when the department owned and operated 46 hospitals.
However, the environment soon began to change. By the 1950s, universal health care was becoming a reality, particularly in the late fifties. The foundation of the social safety net that has defined modern-day Canada was emerging. As First World War veterans aged, their long-term care became a priority. At the same time, in the early 1960s the provincial responsibility for heath care came to the forefront. In 1963 a cabinet decision, the Glassco commission decision, obliged VAC to transfer its hospitals to the provinces, which it did over the years, with the exception of Ste. Anne's Hospital in Montreal, the department's only remaining federal institution.
However, as part of the various transfer agreements outlining the transfer of these facilities, a fixed number of long-term care beds would remain available to the department on a contractual basis. These were called priority access or contract beds. Veterans have access to these beds in a network of facilities across the country. Today, VAC has close to 4,000 contract beds in 172 facilities at an average bed cost of $55,000 per year. Approximately 60 per cent of these contract beds are in 14 large transferred hospitals in urban areas. The average length of stay in a contract bed for a veteran is 2.6 years. Those eligible for contract beds include veteran pensioners, overseas service veterans, income-qualified veterans, and certain allied veterans.
To respond to the evolving needs, eligibility for long-term care benefits grew to allow veterans to access long-term care beds in community facilities. Today the department supports approximately 7,300 veterans in over 1,900 community facilities in addition to the veterans we support in our contract bed facilities. VAC pays for the uninsured cost of care, which in some provinces is the full cost of care, if long-term care is not an insured service. In other provinces the VAC portion is minimal, but the financial support from Veterans Affairs ensures that the cost of care to veterans is the same no matter where they stay.
The average stay in community care is 1.2 years, less than half that of a contract bed. The main reason for this--I speculate here--is that our largest group of veterans who are eligible for the priority access or contract beds are only eligible for this most expensive care option and tend to go there earlier and stay longer because of the absence of choice for them. I will speak more about this a little later.
Those eligible for a community bed include veteran pensioners, overseas service veterans waiting for contract beds, income-qualified veterans, lower-income Canada Service veterans, and certain allied veterans, as well as Canadian Forces veterans, reservists, and civilian pensioners, but only for the care of service-related disabilities.
Over the years, veterans have shown a marked preference for remaining at home as long as possible. Veterans Affairs' first national home care program--we like to think that it is very innovative, and I believe that it is--was introduced in 1981 to assist veterans in remaining in their own homes for as long as possible or in accessing community facilities closer to where they live. This highly successful veterans independence program provides services such as housekeeping, grounds maintenance, personal care, and nutrition services to help veterans remain independent in their own homes and communities. At the moment, approximately 73,000 veterans and 25,000 of their primary caregivers receive benefits from this program.
As a result of the increasing need among aging war service veterans for residential care, and faced with long wait-lists for access to some facilities in major centres, the department introduced two approaches to respond to this specific need. In 1999, using the VIP model, the overseas service veteran at home pilot project was introduced to allow eligible overseas veterans to access these services at home while they were waiting for contract beds to become available. Eight hundred and seventy veterans access this program. In 2000, we also enabled overseas service veterans to access care in community beds while they waited for contract beds to become available. Twenty-four hundred veterans now use this program.
Throughout its evolution, VAC has been committed to the quality of its long-term care program, which costs about $340 million annually. In response to a Senate report in 1999 called Raising the Bar: Creating a New Standard in Veterans Health Care, the residential care strategy was developed. In response to the needs of aging veterans and their families, the strategy emphasized specialized care for those with dementia. It includes VAC's ten national outcome standards of care, which were developed through significant consultation with external health professionals, gerontological experts, and provincial ministries of health.
Standards were developed for such areas as safety and security, food quality, personal care, and access to clinical services, among others. They were endorsed by the Veterans Affairs' Gerontological Advisory Council, the same council that provided the report forming the basis of the veterans' health services review. The Gerontological Advisory Council was represented by some of Canada's most distinguished experts on aging and seniors' and veterans' issues, and it included representatives from the six major veterans organizations. Our national outcome standards are the foundation upon which we have built our quality assurance in long-term care.
To help ensure quality care for veterans in these facilities, Veterans Affairs undertakes the following measures. It surveys veterans' satisfaction with contract or community beds through the completion of a client satisfaction questionnaire, often with the help of VAC or Royal Canadian Legion representatives or with input from the family when the condition veterans suffer from does not allow a direct contribution. Departmental staff follow up with the facility management on any identified issues, and if they are not dealt with in a timely manner, a facility review is completed.
During 2005-06, close to 3,300 veterans completed the survey with what we consider to be a remarkable 96% overall satisfaction rate, nationally.
Veterans Affairs has professional health care staff complete facility questionnaires to assess an institution's ability to provide for the care and needs of veteran residents. Again, any identified issues are followed up immediately.
Veterans Affairs has partnered with the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation and has seen the successful accreditation of most of its 4,000 contract beds.
As most veterans receive long- term care provincially, VAC remains committed to quality care by improving its oversight in residential care and strengthening the services provided by the department.