Okay. Is this better?
In regard to agreements with provinces, there are some agreements with provinces but they are only used to normalize the relationship between the provinces and the federal government for the management of these contract beds. For instance, we have them in Ontario and in Manitoba. We don't have many contract beds in the province of Quebec, so there's no federal-provincial agreement there, but there are agreements with the facility. For instance, in Quebec City there are agreements with the facility there on the day-to-day operation of it, the admission criteria, who pays for what, and the relationship between admission of a veteran to one of these facilities and the civilian eligibility. Across the country, the care of veterans is very much a cooperative federal-provincial enterprise and we rarely, if ever, have any difficulties in that area, which is a very good thing.
Where Veterans Affairs is asking a province to provide a service, we pay for the service. Where it's for the care of a pension disability, someone who has a war injury, we pay 100 percent of the cost, no matter what province it occurs in.
Mr. Perron noted that there were problems with eligibility and the rules governing eligibility. He was no doubt right.
Monsieur Perron was commenting on the complex eligibility rules, and from a public service point of view, we couldn't agree with you more. One of the goals of the health services review, which Mr. Ferguson and I spoke of last May, was to attempt to reduce if possible, and we think it is possible, these rules that have been built up over 60 years of adding eligibility each time there was a political interest in doing that, without reconciling all the different criteria that a veteran might have to meet. We feel it's more important to focus our administrative resources on our abilities in caring for veterans rather than managing rules, and I think there would be general agreement at the political level with that goal.
Monsieur Perron, I hope I've addressed some of the questions you raised.