You've effectively summarized the nub of the problem that the veterans health services review is attempting to address. If complex eligibility rules for one program affect three different program areas and you integrate them into one veterans integrated service like the Gerontological Advisory Council recommends, then one could argue that you have three times the challenges.
Our purpose with the veterans health services review is to attempt to simplify the gates into the programs so we don't have two or three different eligibility gates and sets of rules that someone must adhere to before they can get help from us. In the best of all possible worlds, if a veteran had a need we'd respond to it. That is the goal of the veterans health services review. We hope to be able to make recommendations to the government that achieve that. It's certainly the goal of the Gerontological Advisory Committee's report, Keeping the Promise.
So, Mr. Shipley, your observations seem to be right on the money.