It's Ken Miller. I'm just going to take over from Mr. Mogan at this point, with the committee's agreement.
So what does the future hold? You've heard now how over the past 90 years our programs have incrementally evolved to meet clients' changing needs. But the expansion of eligibility has resulted in numerous categories of veterans, each qualifying for long-term care based on different eligibility criteria and gaining access to different benefits, some of which are based on health need and others granted automatically. The result is that we're faced with complex eligibility rules and a system that leaves some veterans without the care they need when they need it and where they need it. It may also provide certain veterans who are fully functioning in their community with more benefits than needed.
We're also seeing a 20 percent vacancy in contract beds and an 81 percent increase in utilization of community beds since 1996. Many times community facilities are preferred over contract beds as they're closer to the veteran's home, closer to their family and community, and they provide the option for a spouse to live there as well when that's an appropriate level of care that's needed.
Veterans are demanding more choice in care options, and unfortunately the current criteria often limit the choice and the fit for the veteran. In spite of the changes made over the years to try to better respond to the long-term care needs of veterans and their primary care givers, the reality is that further action is required if we are to make a difference in how these veterans live out their remaining years.
We realize that the time to act is now. The average age of our frail elderly war veterans is 84 years old, with almost 2,000 passing away each month. We want our veterans to age as well as possible and to receive the most appropriate benefits and services at the right time and at the right place. What is needed is a long-term care program that offers choice in care settings, including greater access to the veterans independence program services and also to community-based assisted living options. Overall, we envision a program that is flexible, providing support and assistance across the full spectrum of need, in which the level and intensity of service could be increased depending on the need.
Ultimately, Veterans Affairs wants to meet the individual needs of veterans who have faithfully served our country. To that end, we will continue to work with provinces and long-term care facilities to respond to changing needs of veterans. Also, we will work with veterans organizations and stakeholders to maintain the principles of choice, quality, and accountability. Finally, we will move forward with the veterans health services review, which could address many of these issues.
With that, Mr. Chair, I'll turn back to my colleague Mr. Mogan to conclude our comments.