Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We're off to the start of another veterans affairs meeting here, where we're studying the veterans health care review and veterans independence program.
I'll have to attempt some of these titles en français, so bear with me.
Today our witnesses are with the Ordre des psychologues du Québec, and we have Stéphane Beaulieu, secretary general; Marie-Josée Lemieux, vice-president; and Édith Lorquet, legal counsel and secretary of the discipline committee.
The way it generally works around here is that guests have twenty minutes, so you can split that up however you wish. If you wish to do six minutes and some fraction each, or ten minutes and five and five, or twenty for one person, it will be as you see fit, and then after that we go to this lovely predetermined roster of questioners. First and second rounds have already been predetermined.
Other than that, I guess I will just turn it over to you and say the floor is yours.