Certainly, preparation for such an engagement requires a certain mental outlook. You must have it or you won't survive in that environment.
When you step back out of that environment into an environment where that's not required, that's one of the real challenges to transition. It affects police forces and it affects others as well. It's a very interesting concept that the U.S. DVA and the U.S. Department of Defense have developed.
I think, Mr. Chair, when you're looking at the U.S. especially, you want to see what detailed studies they've done--and we're aware of them from our research director--on what exactly is involved in the transition to civilian life, what exactly goes through an individual's mind and what they have to go through. Many of them come in when they're 18 and they're not really mature yet, and they leave when they're 38.
It's quite a different experience, for instance, from a wartime veteran, who had a really tough experience but it was only over a three-year period, not over a 30-year period.
So what kind of mentality and psychology does an individual have to adjust to when they make the transition to civilian life?