Mr. Perron just alluded to it, but one of the most poignant moments that has happened since I have been on this committee was when we had a room full of people who were suffering from PTSD. We had a very competent captain here. I remember seeing her sitting there, a commissioned officer in intelligence, suffering from PTSD. She explained how trying to deal with the forms from Veterans Affairs actually just drove her more deeply into a funk.
I understand the complexity of accountability and everything, but my question is whether there is a way that, particularly for PTSD—you've alluded to the fact of the extreme increase—cases can be handled with more compassion, so that the person who is looking after the case can say, “Can I come over to your residence and help you fill out these forms?” Could there be some process by which someone from Veterans Affairs can walk a person through, if we can't make the forms simpler?